February 2008 - Vol. 16
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True Holiness
God does not accept excuses – he gives grace

by Bruce Yocum, Belfast, Northern Ireland

The holiness we seek does not consist of human perfection or strength of will, but God's grace

Digesting God's Word: Do you act on it or hide from it? by Tadgh Lynch, Dublin, Ireland
Simon Peter: Transforming weakness into strength and sinners into saints, by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
With Jesus in the Wilderness for Forty Days by Don Schwager, London, UK
Confronting Apathy and Complacency with the Burning Bush: Lessons from the life of Moses, by Mark Whitters, Detroit, MI, USA
Humble Pie: Pride blinds us to the good around us, by James Munk, London, UK
Parents, Keep Your Kids in the Real World, by Mike Shaughnessy, Lansing, Michigan, USA
Thirty Years Jerusalem: The story of God’s call to a covenant community in Belgium, by Sam Geleyn, Leuven, Belgium
Choice and Pressure: Helping young men choose for radical discipleship, by John Hughes, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
A Spiritual Journey of Poems for Lent:
scriptural reflections on the followers of Jesus, by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teaching to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.
Visits since October, 2006

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