July 2008 - Vol. 21

Revelation in the Boundary Waters continued

The second day went a little better, and we didn't portage quite as much. At one point I found myself sitting along the trail on a big rock, crying, with the 70-pound equipment pack at my feet. Along came a wonderful girl from our group who offered to help me carry the pack the rest of the way and encouraged me. Amazing and humbling. However, I was filled with wrath and couldn't wait to dump my complaints onto Sandy at the next campsite.

Sandy, Lynne (the other leader) and Dave listened to me for awhile. Then they explained to me how this challenge would teach the girls how to rely on the Lord, work together, cooperate, work harder than they ever had before, trust their sisters, and carry their own weight or risk dragging the group down. The girls could go from whining “I can't do this,” to “Why, by golly I can do this!” Slowly, the whole picture dawned on me. This challenge was teaching me these things, too! I finally got it. I went to bed that night feeling a little sheepish and I repented to the Lord for my complaining and grumbling.

The rest of the trip got better and better. At the end, I felt like Amazon Woman, or something akin to that. We did see much beauty, and even a moose! I saw my first loon, and heard it's eerie call over the waters. I carried the canoe sometimes. We swam in a cold pool by a waterfall. I got to know a wonderful group of young women better. I learned that I can do much more than I thought I could. I had some of the biggest laughs with Dave and the ladies ever. I guess a sense of humor is all important for this trip. I did come away with huge bruises on my arms from carrying the backpacks wrong. But those were my marks of honor.

By the way, I didn't kill Yvonne when I saw her next. And I am going as a group leader (with Dave, of course!) this July. Who woudda thought?  God is great.

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Linda approaches another dreaded portage site

the cook eats all the leftovers 

enjoying breakfast at camp

Dave at one of the many beautiful stops
(c) copyright 2008  The Sword of the Spirit
publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom
email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com