October/November 2016 - Vol. 88

a video presentation on the Sword of the Spirit International Coordinators Meeting - May 2016
Highlights from the Sword of the Spirit International Coordinators Meeting - May 2016
a video spotlight produced by Sword of the Spirit

Over the last 12 years the Lord has spoken strongly to the Sword of the Spirit about an open door for mission and a special season of grace, especially for the young people in Sword of the Spirit. Given the increasing difficulties and challenges which Christians face around the world – religious persecution, drift from Christian morality, and breakdown of marriage and family life – there  has been a growing sense of urgency among Sword of the Spirit leaders to work more closely together internationally to strengthen the work of building Christian communities and preparing community members to be fully engaged in mission.

God spoke to me strongly in three areas:The first area is the unity God wants for his people and how much I should strive for building and maintaining unity at all levels in my personal life, and in my work and service. The second area that God showed me where I can grow more is in doing spiritual warfare. Lastly, God revealed me how blessed and fortunate that I am in the midst,and  at the cutting edge, of a work of ecumenism which the Lord is doing among his people at this time and age. Indeed, I now appreciate more the time I live in where I can

In keeping with that sense, the coordinators from all of the communities in the Sword of the Spirit have gathered every four years since 2004 to seek the Lord together. This past May 27-30, 2016, some 400 coordinators and main Kairos leaders met for four days in Lansing, Michigan. They came from the 75 communities located in Asia,the South Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and Central and South America.

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