July/August 2010 - Vol. 41.

New Art Book on the 
Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ from the Cross

featuring a series of paintings 
and theological reflections

by John Dunne

The Seven Last Words is a series of oil paintings on the theme of the seven last words of Jesus Christ from his cross. They were composed over a two year period and attempt to combine the theology of the cross with some of the most important teachings in the life of Christ. 

Set on the bare mound of Calvary they recall the words and atmosphere around the three hours that he hung battered and bleeding, waiting for death to end his suffering. Separated as He was from his Father He was obedient to the last and embraced his passion, and in his claiming it as his choice to die He snatched back from his enemies the victory they thought they had won. 

The works show the sun moving across the sky as the hours passed and as nature was witness to the drama unfolding, she reacted in violence with earthquakes and darkness hiding the shame of men. Again, separation is at the heart of this series.

 Visit John Dunne's website: http://www.johndunneartist.com
The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ from the Cross: 
images and reflections, 
by John Dunne, 
165 pages, hardcover
This pocket size book is available for sale for 10 Euros plus post and package. Order direct by email (johndunne65@yahoo.com) or through John Dunne's website: http://www.johndunneartist.com

About the artist 

John Dunne is a noted Irish painter. He and his wife are members of Nazareth Community in Dublin, Ireland. Throughout his career as an accomplished artist, John has traveled in many countries. He has absorbed influences from the Far East and the Mediterranean. His interests include theology and its relationship to art.  He has a degree in theology. For many years he has worked on different themes which are based in literature. Two examples are childrens' games as played in Dublin during his childhood and the great legends of the Irish hero Cuchulain, interpreted by the Irish poet Thomas Kinsilla. 

With all the sacred themes which he paints, John will spend many years researching the material, exploring the theological implications of the particular story and allowing images to come to birth that will point to what lies behind them. 


 (c) copyright 2010  The Sword of the Spirit
publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom
email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com