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Steve Clark
Steve Clark
Steve Clark has been a founding leader, author, and teacher for the Catholic charismatic renewal since its inception in 1967. Steve is past president of the Sword of the Spirit, an international ecumenical association of charismatic covenant communities worldwide. He is the founder of the Servants of the Word, an ecumenical international missionary brotherhood of men living single for the Lord.He has written numerous articles and books, including the following:

Visit Amazon for books by Stephen B. Clark
Man and Woman in Christ
Building Christian Communities 
Charismatic Spirituality
Catholics and the Eucharist
The Old Testament in the Light of the New: The Stages of God's Plan

Articles by Steve Clark

• Mere Christian Community
Love of the Brethren: An Interdenominational Responsibility?
Loving One Another with Affection, Respect, and Willing Service
On Mission: Being a Bulwark, and Part 2: A Life that Wants to Share Itself

Covenant Communities – A Sign of Authentic Renewal, by Steve Clark
Overcoming the Flesh and Yielding to the Spirit, by Steve Clark
Living an Active Life of Christian Faith and Overcoming Hazards to Faith, by Steve Clark 
The Meaning of Christian Love - Foundations of Christian Living
Practical Ways of Loving God

The De-Christianizing of Western Society 

The Old Testament in the Light of the New: The Stages of God's Plan
The Written Word of God: Do you read the Word of God as if your life depended upon it?

Scripture: Taking the Word to Heart
The Authority of Scripture

The Life of a Disciple: A commentary on the beatitudes
If Anyone Would Come After Me - the Cost of Discipleship
Our Mind Matters: Doctrine has significance because Christianity is based on the truth

The Growth of the Charismatic Renewal: Communities
Baptized in the Holy Spirit
The Beginnings of Life in the Spirit Seminars
Ecumenism and Charismatic Renewal
Orthodox, Protestants, Roman Catholics: What Basis for Cooperation?

Living a Life of Faith
What Is Faith
Growing In Faith
The Redeemer – What God Wanted
The Great Downfall
The Redeemer Who Died
The Obedient Son: The humility of the Son of the King 

Christ's Humility and Victory
Dying to Defeat Death: The death of Jesus was a victory over death itself
Exalted Over All: The Victory of the Redeemer
New Life in Christ
Receiving Redemption: United with Christ we pass from death to new life

The Grace of Pentecost: What does Pentecost mean for us today?
Being Spiritual People
The Holy Spirit as the Water of Life
Gifts and Graces: Part I - The Breath of God
Gifts and Graces We Can Expect: Part II
Gifts and Graces for All: Part III, The Gifts of the Spirit in Isaiah 11:1-5
Worship in Spirit and Truth

The "Breath" of God and Gifts and Graces of the Spirit
Spiritual Gifts

Is Christianity a Culture?
The Restoration of Christian Personal Relationships: Building a Christian Society - Part 1
Building a Christian Society - Part 2
New Forms of Life - excerpt from Covenant Community and Church
Covenant Community & Church - A Work of the Spirit

The Reluctant Evangelist [also in Spanish]
Only Live Armies Win Battles: Pastoral Priorities in a Secular Age
The Real Meaning of Christmas: what the Incarnation means for us

Do Christians Have Enemies? Our Lord's kingship is not of this world. Neither are his enemies
Emotions: Resources for the Christial Life

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